About Us

Our Goals

This website was created to provide reliable learning resources about how particular machines, engines, and tools work to students and any types of learners, including the ones who are simply curious. We aim to make the articles not only reliable and accurate, but also engaging and easy to understand. We provide appealing and easy-to-follow illustrations to make the learning experience more satisfying and powerful.

Who Writes the Contents?

All contents on this website are written by Adven Simarmata, who avidly aspires to be a lifelong learner. She is particularly passionate about the physics behind machines, engines, and tools. Other than the fascination it gives her, deeper understanding about machines helps her a lot in her daily life. For example, understanding about the advantages and disadvantages of various air cooling systems assists Adven to choose the one that is more suited to her needs. Furthermore, knowing the environmental impacts of the household appliances also encourages her to choose and use the appliances more wisely. The similar usefulness also applies to the learning of more sophisticated things, such as aircrafts. We hope the contents we produce will be helpful for you, too.

Adven Simarmata graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Sampoerna University in September 2023.

How Reliable the Contents Are?

All contents are produced after conducting extensive research from authorative and reputable sources. Every piece of information that is cited is linked directly to its original source (if the source can be accessed online). The links to the reference sources are provided in the References section.

Note that none of the articles published on this website is peer-reviewed. However, we are always open to the readers’ feedback, and the articles are regularly self-reviewed and updated as necessary. Even though the articles are not peer-reviewed, we dedicatedly shoot for producing high-quality contents by carefully choosing the sources and regularly reviewing the contents.

Who Might This Website Be Useful for?

This website is hoped to help engineering students, physics students, HVAC technicians, or even just people who are curious about how particular machines, engines, or tools work.

How to Contact Us?

If you want to give a comment about a specific article, you can directly write in the provided comment box at the bottom of that specific article.

If you want to give us any feedback related to the website in general, want to do a partnership related to adverstisements, have any inquiries, or prefer to give feedback about our article privately, you can send an email to us via admin@curiousaboutmachines.com.